The Chrome factor: Light, speedy way to make IT work

Punit Thakker/ September 21, 2022/ Chrome Solutions

One of the things that bind every business together irrespective of the size, industry, or headcount, is the need to boost operational efficiency and outcome with greater usage of technology.

A few years back, you could have still insisted on relying on what had worked so far. But now as your business navigates its way out of the pandemic whirlpools, there is no merit in holding on to legacy IT. Unlike in the past, now you, your workforce as well as customers are all online and interacting with each other through multiple mediums across platforms and formats.

If you were to rely on legacy infrastructure for handling such a rapidly rising digital footprint, you would undoubtedly struggle. The good thing is that the most advanced, nimble, and flexible IT technologies are now at your disposal. You can seamlessly collaborate with different stakeholders across the planet and integrate all your teams or tools into a single window built with the help of Chrome Solutions offered by Shivaami, an authorized partner of Google Cloud and Chrome Solutions.

Let’s take a look at some of the Chrome Solutions innovations, and how they positively drive business performance and convenience for the end-users:

Chromebook – A high-performance laptop is essential for all of us in this age of anytime, anywhere working, online meetings, collaborations, and data sharing. That’s where Chromebook hits home as an ultra-portable laptop that adds unmatched productivity and mobility to businesses. It runs on the Chrome OS and is flexible as well as convenient to use as a professional machine that can get work done quickly, and securely.

Chromebox – When you have to handle multiple engagements across platforms and devices such as desktops, tablets or phones, and seamlessly access files and data, Chromebox is the go-to solution. It is literally a desktop data centre for you that runs on Chrome OS and features a power switch, a set of connections for the keyboard, mouse, and one or multiple monitors.

Chromebit – If you are looking for an affordable plug-and-play device that can convert your old monitor into a smart desktop, Chromebit is going to make it happen. Running on Google’s Chrome operating system, this mobile gadget can turn an old display screen into a full-fledged Chrome OS machine with just an HDMI extension.

Chrome Enterprise – As the name suggests, it is a business solution for your Chrome devices that comes with cloud-based management tools, third-party product integrations, and 24×7 support for the IT administrators.

Advantages of Chrome Solutions for your business

The need to upgrade your legacy machines arises out of the challenges related to productivity, cybersecurity, and convenience that older technologies fail to provide. This is where Chrome Solutions such as those mentioned above, come with a lot of advantages such as the following.

Affordability – Keeping the budgets under control is a key concern for digital transformation and the affordable Chrome Solutions ensure you don’t have to burn a hole in the pocket

Performance – Reliability of Google, and several built-in hardware integrations and other features ensure a power-packed performance every time

Security – Multi-layered dynamic security innovations of Google keep it safe from a diversity of threats

Collaboration – Remote working or on-premises, you can always seamlessly collaborate with colleagues. Integration with Google cloud enables users to create, edit and share files in real-time.


In the dynamic business environment of today, change is truly the only constant. You can’t know how things will operate tomorrow and what kind of demands or expectations will come up. However, by using the right technology, it is possible to be ready for the future, and efficiently as well as accurately perform whatever tasks come up. That’s where the real benefits of Chrome Solutions devices lie!

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