Duet AI for Google Workspace – New Way of Working

Punit Thakker/ May 17, 2023/ Productivity

Google is continuing to leverage the power of artificial intelligence to enhance its productivity tools, and its latest offering, Duet AI for Google Workspace, is set to revolutionize the way users work with Gmail, Docs, Meet, and more. What is Duet for Google Workspace? With Duet AI, Google aims to empower users with a range of new AI features that

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Four ways to improve collaboration leveraging the power of Google Workspace

Punit Thakker/ January 10, 2023/ Productivity

Do you wish to build a more connected organisation so your employees can collaborate more effectively, across teams, to achieve project objectives in 2023? Here are a few key proven benefits of using a powerful set of tools offered by Google Workspace and a look at the project management challenges they solve. First, let’s take a look at what collaboration

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9 Major Google Workspace Updates in 2022 that You Must Know About

Punit Thakker/ December 25, 2022/ Productivity

Google Workspace (earlier known as G Suite) is a world-class suite of web applications aimed at enabling the corporate workforce to work efficiently and collaborate seamlessly in a hybrid work culture. Integration of a wide range of tools such as Gmail, Docs, Meet, Cloud Search, Chat, Calendar, and others, makes Google Workspace an ideal choice for all users in 2023. 

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15 Tips to Turn your Gmail inbox into a Productivity Booster

Punit Thakker/ December 5, 2022/ Productivity

Launched in 2004, Gmail has rapidly ascended to the top of the email hierarchy globally. Today, if you were to create an account on any social media platform, eCommerce marketplace or register for any service that requires an email id, chances are that Gmail would be the preferred option. Nearly 30% of all email accounts belong to Gmail, and if

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Ensuring Business Growth Through Diversity and Inclusion in IT Sector

Punit Thakker/ October 10, 2022/ Productivity

One of the most frequently discussed topics today is the issue of diversity and inclusion in the workspace. Women make up over 50% of the global population, which makes it natural for them to have an equal stake in the global workforce. Today, women are rapidly realizing this potential courtesy of access to quality education across STEM fields. There is

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Digital Transformation Need of the Hour

Punit Thakker/ December 15, 2021/ Productivity

Each company has its unique strategy for implementing innovations. However, they all face the same challenges: digital transition. It is a difficult process that requires some serious investment and comes with its own set of risks. Companies must have a clear vision and a detailed digital transformation strategy to move toward a digital future. A well-designed strategy based on in-depth

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How businesses can benefit from effective collaboration

Punit Thakker/ December 6, 2021/ Productivity

According to various recent studies, collaboration is one of the key factors for a company’s success. Many organizations have adapted to the ‘We must collaborate’ mantra for their employees. Collaboration in the workplace is a sign of a strong team since it brings the greatest qualities of two or more people together. Efficiency is a crucial feature of the workplace

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Introducing the new normal: The hybrid work

Punit Thakker/ December 3, 2021/ Productivity

Getting up early to catch the train, going to the office, attending physical workshops, and seeking face-to-face communication have undergone a steep learning curve since 2020 – owing to the Covid-19 pandemic. Earlier, face-to-face communication was considered to be more effective than any other digital form of communication because of its clear and non-verbal cues. In the new normal, virtual

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What’s new in Google Docs now? | Latest Updates

Punit Thakker/ October 21, 2021/ Productivity

Whether you are working from home or working from the office, using online collaboration tools such as Google Docs makes it easier to get the work done. Its clean interface and easy to collaborate with other team members have proven to be the top choice amongst many other web-based processors. In the latest update on the Google Workspace blog, Google

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