
Go-Simulator has developed tools that can mimic hundreds of genuine email attacks, allowing you to find and rectify any flaws in your system. This also lets users choose the types of attacks they wish to replicate along with generating detailed data on the response of these attacks.

On top of this, GoSimulator helps employees to learn how to detect and avoid unverified email links as a result of these simulated attacks, as well as instantly report any possible dangers.

We got your back

How do I target specific users/groups to improve overall data security?

How do I avoid unverified email links?

How do I rectify flaws in my system?

How do I respond to a cyber attack?



Phishing Templates:

Any email template, as well as its landing page, can be completely customized.

Educating Users:

Users can tailor their learning programs as per their specific requirements.

Extensive Reporting:

A comprehensive report on the open/click ratio as well as data is available.

We're here

to help you!

Benefits of


Campaign Execution:

Users can schedule their different campaigns at the same time or at separate times with the fully managed service.

SaaS Model:

Go-Simulator is a SaaS-based solution that has advanced reporting and learning capabilities.


Advanced security protocol with top-notch technology.


Option of replicating the kind of attack you want in real-time to identify loopholes.



Shivaami is a Cloud Solutions Company helping clients realize the exact potential of the cloud to help their businesses grow. We are a leading cloud service company, providing cloud solutions, deployment, and data migration services since 2004. Offering certification, compliance, cloud security and security testing services is also something we excel at. On top of this, we also provide cloud security products such as VMCs, GoDMARC, BIMI, GoSimulator and SSL. We are an authorized Google Workspace reseller in India and work from key cities such as Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi and Surat. We also operate from New Jersey & San Francisco in the US.

Google Cloud Specialization in Work transformation for SMBs and Enterprise.

Promoting Women empowerment with 80% Female team members.

19+ Years of experience in Cloud Technology.

Alliances + Experience of Cloud Integrated Technologies.

250+ Google Certified Professionals.

24X7 Customer Support.

5 Offices in Key Indian Cities + 2 US Cities.

Google Cloud Expertises in SMB, Financial Services and Chrome OS.

Strong understanding of Cloud Security.

Award-winning partners of Google Cloud for the last three years.

18,000+ Satisfied Customers.

90% of Support tickets responded in 4 Minutes and were resolved in 40 minutes.


Are Here

GoSimulator simulates security breach-like events so that you can be prepared for the worst.

GoSimulator training prevents you from opening suspicious links in emails so that you don’t expose critical information to cybercriminals.

GoSimulator awares your team of the best practices that safeguard the interests of your brand.